Saturday, May 28, 2011

Years Wasted?

As of yesterday I am a high school graduate, but what does that mean? I'll tell you how the education was, I walk into class, the bell rings, open a textbook, teacher tells me to teach myself, and a worksheet is due in five minutes. The majority of my classes were like that over the past four years... but it didn't feel like that always. At first I got along with virtually everyone, had my plans filled on the weekends, had some very good friends, etc. A year goes by, had a band of honestly some of the coolest kids I could ever ask for. We did just about everything together and somehow I managed to make plans with my best friends on top of that. Come back after tour, School starts just like every year except My best friends refuse to hang out with me because they started smoking weed every weekend which led to virtually every day and I'm assuming they didn't want someone judging them, even though I wouldn't , and eventually we basically lost contact after every time I asked if they wanted to hangout they decided to hang out with the same people and never get back to me. I still had my band so at least I had some good friends, but no, band crumbles to pieces and we all lose contact, which I honestly don't care about with the exception of one other person, and this is where my junior year ends and my senior year starts. A summer spent at home turns into a year. I gained 15-20 pounds, lose everyone I cared for in school, and lost almost all care in general, but if I told you it was pointless I would be lying to you, this past year I've learned more than ever about the world, myself, emotion, religion, the government, music, etc. So, these past years really weren't wasted. I didn't get a piece of paper with my name on it saying I passed all my classes in the past four years. I got a piece of paper with my name on it stating I survived.

Here comes the rest of my life.